Water Rates & Policies
City of Washburn Utility Rates
1-2000 Gallons $40.95
2001-infinity $.0065 per gallon
$16.15 per month
$18.05 per month
$6.05 Extra tote charge per month.
Garbage services for the City of Washburn are contracted through Circle Sanitation. Garbage containers are available in one size. If you are in need of a new container or your existing container is damaged, please contact the city for a replacement at no cost.
Residents are asked to have garbage to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday's for collection.
Commercial garbage services are contracted privately through Circle Sanitation.
Bulk Water
Bulk Water sales for agricultural use or commercial use is available at Enerbase Agronomy is Washburn. Contact City Office for more information and rates at 701-462-8558.
Contact Info
Washburn City Offices
(701) 462-8558
Enerbase Agronomy
Bulk Water Provider
(701) 462-3971

Quality on Tap