Special Assessment Assistance Program

Goal:  The goal of the Washburn Special Assessment Assistance Program is to help alleviate the burden that special assessments can place on low and moderate income homeowners while at the same time facilitating the improvement of neighborhood infrastructure.  The assistance is allocated from local sources on an annual basis. 

Who is eligible?  To be eligible for assistance, a person must: 

  • Have a total special assessment bill that is greater than $500 annually.  Assistance is not available to projects in new developments; the assistance is targeted to projects that are replacing/upgrading infrastructure (water & sewer, no streets) in existing neighborhoods.  (Note: The $500 threshold does not apply to your annual payment but rather to the total amount that was assessed to your property). 
  • Live in an owner-occupied housing unit.  (If your residence is a rental unit or has rental units in it or it is owned on a contract for deed, it is not eligible for this assistance). 
  • Have a qualifying household income.  Income eligibility will be determined using the total household  income (includes the income earned by everyone living in your household over the age of 15).  Please note that Social Security and pension benefits are included as income.  

What kind of assistance is available?

The City’s Special Assessment Assistance Program will pay all or a portion of the annual cost of the special assessment levied on a particular property.  The homeowner will need to apply for assistance each year on the basis of annual household income. 

How will I know when I can apply?

The City typically “spreads” special assessment costs to benefiting properties on the year after the infrastructure project is completed.  Residents with benefiting properties will be notified by letter with application included. 

If you feel you might be eligible, call the City of Washburn at (701) 462-8558 for an application.